I am aware that:
- Walk-tastic is a fundraising event delivered by Praise Centre
- Participation in the event involves:
• physical activity;
• participants designing their own walking course to participate in the event
• risk of injury. - Participants in the event are responsible for their own safety while participating in the event, including ensuring that any walking course is safe and free from hazards.
- It is a condition of enrolment to the event, Praise Centre is absolved from all liability howsoever arising from injury or damage caused (whether fatal or otherwise) arising out of participating in the event or in any way whatsoever due to any negligent act, breach of duty, default or omission on the part of Praise Centre.
- Any person participating in the event is only allowed to do so on the distinct understanding that they do so at their own risk.
Conditions of Entry:
I am physically fit, in good health, and adequately prepared to participate in this event.
I will withdraw if I succumb to any injury or illness from which I have not fully recovered by the time of the event.
Only walkers who have registered are officially participating in Walk-tastic.
Code of Conduct:
By being involved in Walk-tastic, it is expected that walkers and volunteers will:
• be cooperative participants throughout the event, adhering to the instruction of event organisers and marshals
• treat people with courtesy, respect and proper regard including those involved in Walk-tastic and the wider community
• ensure a safe environment
• ensure protection of others from harassment and intimidation
• behave in a manner that is fair and non-discriminatory towards others
• walk the trail in a safe manner ensuring safety of others, the environment and self
• refrain from using the trail if the event has been cancelled.
The following behaviour will not be tolerated:
• violent and abusive behaviour
• harassment and intimidation
• public disturbance
• theft
• arson
• vandalism (cultural and environmental)
• excessive consumption of alcohol and acting in a way that becomes a public nuisance or creates a public disturbance.