A Word from Ps. Jimmy and Sandra
Most teenagers are scared to approach and speak to the homeless. But who wouldn't, we all are. However prayer gave us confident, confident that comes from God. The spirit that dwell within us is able to give comfort and impart love, peace.
No one rejects our prayer, in fact they welcome us with a smile.
We consistently prayed and debrief after each group (4-5 people) visit. After awhile each group has build a confidence. A couple of them even bold enough to lead and start a conversation themselves.
God is good. He opened our eyes and tender heart to see what He sees.
Briefing, Safety Training and Prayer

Let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.

She is from Queensland and now live at the park. She'll use the money we gave to have a shower. She needs to pay $15 for each shower. She welcomed our prayer with a smile. She also want us to pray for her dog, she is worried that her dog will be put down by the council.
Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to poverty will be cursed.
He has lived on the street for awhile. Seems like on of his eye wasn't functioning. His body was shivering all the time. I wasn't sure if the shivering caused by coldness or something else. However, it was a bit windy when we were there. He appreciated the food, drink and prayer
For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home.

He has dog named Tiger. Tiger was a lost dog, he found it when it was a puppy. He was just out of prison 4 months ago, from stealing. He no longer steals and looking for a job is a struggle. He loves to smile and like to chat with us. He appreciated the gift and the prayer.

This person had experienced depression and relationship breakdown. All aspects of his life simple didn't work out.

This person is a victim of domestic violence. He usually go to the Salvation Army for his lunch and dinner.

This person also a victim of domestic violence and separation. Now he lives on the street. There is a woman sitting next to him (not on the photo), she has been a support and they look after each other on the street. The both had a Catholic background, and they loved to be prayed.

When his parent split up, it was the end of his life. He chose to be homeless and he is content with his life. He enjoy watching people walk on the street. Its funny when one of the youth says 'Jesus loves you', he reply back 'Jesus loves you too'.

The youth completes a questionnaire to reflect on their experiences. All of them had a very positive response and a new mindset toward the homeless.

Of course we had some fun while we are in the city with a beautiful weather.

This experience is just the beginning and may our heart continue to be filled with the love from God, so we can have courage to speak, to share, to minister to anyone.
God bless